12/07/2021 - Birds of Our Beach (Facebook Município do Porto Santo)
Porto Santo Occupational Activities Center holds the exhibition “BIRDS OF OUR BEACH”
The exhibition “BIRDS OF OUR BEACH” was open to the public until the 2nd of July. carried out as a result of an activity by the Porto Santo Occupational Activities Center which aimed to involve the community in the knowledge of the birds that we can see on our beach through the hands of one of its users and their illustrations. The initiative is part of the “Good Environment for All” project, developed in partnership with the Porto Santo City Council.
12/07/2021 - Who am I? (Facebook Município do Porto Santo)
Delphinus delphis
The common dolphin is the most abundant cetacean in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and can be found very close to the coast, however, it is more common in places with depths of about 100 m. Adults can reach 2.5m in length and the average weight is around 150kg. The coloration of this species is characterized by a dark brownish-grey dorsum, white underside, and an hourglass-shaped pattern on the flank, in which the forepart is yellowish, and the backside is light gray.
They feed mainly on small fish and squid. Sometimes they associate with other species of dolphins, such as streaked dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). The gestation period is 10-11 months and they have a new offspring every 1-3 years.