31/08/2021 - Coastal cleanup action under the project “Porto Santo Sem Lixo Marinho" (Facebook Município do Porto Santo)
Within the scope of the “Porto Santo Sem Lixo Marinho” project, the Municipality of Porto Santo, as a partner, challenged local entities to carry out a cleaning action with their employees, on a river, pebble, beach or any other accumulation zone of potential marine litter that could be carried out until the end of 2021.
The “Porto Santo Sem Lixo Marinho” project is co-financed by the Environment Program of the EEA Grants Portugal, promoted by Associação Natureza Portugal in association with WWF, in partnership with AIDGLOBAL, ARM - Águas e Resíduos da Madeira, SA, the Municipality of Porto Santo and the Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation (MARE-Arditi).