Partial Emergency Exercise TTX Porto Santo Exercise 2021
According to the schedule established for the various activities to be carried out within the scope of the Municipal Civil Protection, on May 26th, a Partial Emergency Exercise TTX Porto Santo Exercise 2021 was carried out.
Starting from a scenario / narrative in which an occurrence occurs in a maritime context, in specific circumstances, and continues on land, our Municipal Civil Protection Commission, chaired by the Hon. Mr. President of Porto Santo City Council (Municipal Civil Protection Authority), met and simulated all actions planned to be developed.
Ms. Alderwoman Sofia Santos was also present at the meeting.
In an informal and stress-free environment, all stakeholders were able to make their contribution, taking into account the specific roles and responsibilities of each entity, always seeking to manage the entire emergency, using the "inputs" presented. This type of exercise served as a preparation for the LIVEX Exercise to be developed in the last quarter of 2021.